In one of his latest press statement, state minister Nurettin Canikli has emphasized that investigations towards the state officials who are linked with Gulenists should not be considered as "witch hunt". He repeatedly mentioned that they carry on lawful and fair investigation process to identify who are affiliated with the Gulenist Network and if innocence of civil servants are proved, then they will reinstate them to their jobs. The term "witch hunt" explains a long horrible tradition that punishing people who believed to be demon. The person accused as witch put into a fire and if he or she stay alive then it is found not guilty for his or her actions. Basic logic in witch hunt is demanding suspect to prove its innocence by itself and doing it generally under impossible conditions. In modern criminal justice system, proceedings for suspects pursued on the contrary. According to presumption of innocence principle, one is considered innocent until its guilt p...
This blog has been created to analyse recent political developments in Turkey. The author's aim is to provide different perception to current events in Turkish Politics apart from the mainstream media that has lost its impartiality in the latest years. The written material that will be published in this blog will be highly sensitive to moral and ethical values and refrain to violate individual rights.